
UX Case Study
Project Overview
This mobile application sets out to allow users to find restaurants and places to eat at that will exclusively fit their dietary needs.
January 2024 - Present
My Contributions
I was the sole designer for this project under the guidance of a
professional designer overseeing the process. The tasks I did for completing this application were performing secondary research, creating mockups for the app, prototyping, and gathering user feedback.
User Personas
I decided to design this application as it is something that I was interested in that would personally help me, and I think it would be very beneficial for a lot of other people as well. This app is a restaurant finder that specifically helps people with dietary restrictions, whether it is due to health reasons or their own personal choice. How I started on developing this project was looking at competing apps on the store, I found that there weren't many and for the ones that were a bit similar to mine, there were many improvements to be made on. What did they do well on though based on reviews from users, I kept in mind when starting to piece together this project.

Down below you can see the low and high fidelity wireframes I came up with during the process of creating this mobile application.
Project Details

Low Fidelity Wireframes
After ideating the pages, functions, and features I wanted to have for this application, I designed the mockups for it. After gathering feedback, many things were changed such as having food preferences show on a person's profile, and not only their diet restriction. Another change as well was reformatting the collections page and enlarging the pictures so users would be able to see them better.

In the end, the final version of the app and how it currently works is what I had hoped for it to do when envisioning this project in the beginning. Right below, you can see a working prototype demo for the navigation use of the mobile application.

Prototype Demo